Once in awhile, we all need a break.

So it happened.

Life caught up with me, and I missed a Friday Favorites post yesterday.

This week has been a whirlwind of activity – lots of fun outings, but also lots of work, showing support for people you love, and dealing with whatever life throws at you. Some days have been pretty stressful, but I’m learning to not let my tendency to stress out get the better of me. I love how William James put it, “The greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one thought over another.” #truth

So I’m working on this Type A personality of mine and learning to take things nice and slow.

With that in mind, I’ve decided to take a couple weeks off regular posting to take a little breather, spend a little more time creating + making stuff, and plan and explore what my goals and plans are for this little space in the future. During my blog-break, I also really hope to work on better content for this blog. I know how much time blog-reading can take and I always appreciate those who take time to come by this space. So I want to make your cyber-visit here worthwhile with content that is CRAZY GOOD!

To help me do that, I would love to hear from you guys and what you have to say! What are some of posts that you already love seeing on my blog? What posts would you like to see more or less of? I’m open to suggestions so please please please leave plenty of comments/suggestions/ideas (:

I hope to pop in ever so often to say hi. But in the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram @ameliawritesblog to stay updated on all that’s happening in between!

And fingers-crossed, in between school and work and all that jazz, I get my dreams + plans for this space all laid-out so Amelia Writes comes back even bigger and better!

I hope your weekend is beyond fabulous xo.