Checking in + Hello, October


image via my Instagram @ameliawritesblog

I’m still planning and working on blog goals. But I thought I’d check in with you guys. Because I don’t know about you, but I certainly miss being around these parts of the world wide web.

And really, Is it really October already??

It seems like the last four months of the year always seem to fly by a lot quicker, and I can’t believe September is already over.


But hello, new goals and greater boundaries. Hello, running + my first-ever half-marathon. Hello, new friends, new routines + new experiences. Hello, family time. Hello, laughing + hanging out. Hello, growing, learning + being enriched.

Hello, October.

September was really special in it’s own way. But I’m actually looking forward to October more than I actually thought I would – October has so many good things in store.

Can’t wait.