Right Now // Thursday


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Participating in Studio Calico’s photo prompts for #projectlife365 this week.

Hardly believing that we’re already more than halfway through September.
(Also, that I am already past the halfway mark for the first part of the fall term!!!)

Keeping up with running. Thankfully, I think I’m doing pretty good so far!

Trying to get school work done and stay calm, not stressed.

Remembering to cherish life and loved ones.

Anticipating all the fun things planned for the rest of this week.

Reminding myself that God always, always works things together for good because He is sovereign.

Wanting to make stuff again.

Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. – Mother Teresa

Here’s to Thursday!

P.S. Guess what?! After much thought, Amelia Writes is now on Instagram! You can find me @ameliawritesblog. Remember to follow for lots of fun updates! (: