4 life lessons from blogging

The truth is that blogging teaches you about life. Here are 4 life lessons.

With the blog just turning three on Monday, I spent some time reflecting on the past three years of blogging. During this time, I’ve learned so much about blogging, about myself, about life.

I could tell you a long list of things to do and not to do, things I wish I knew when I started blogging, etc. But those are for another day.

When I think about it, it’s interesting to realize that blogging isn’t just an online thing – it changes you and teaches you about real life.

Here are four lessons about life that blogging has taught me:

  1. Be consistent.

    This is something I’m constantly working on, but this was the year I really started to blog intentionally and regularly. It’s been so neat seeing things grow and how this blog has moved forward.

    And in real life, consistency is so key in getting things done and achieving goals (one of the reasons why I’m doing my habit challenge).

  2. Be happy for others.

    It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game and compare your success to another’s. But remember that everyone has a different beginning, a different story. So set aside the comparison and just simply be happy for how well others are doing.

    And oh man, this one is definitely equally true online as it is in real life.

  3. Reach out.

    Whether to form friendships, give a word of encouragement, or ask for advice, don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers. You might need to step out of your comfort zone. But even if you’re unsure, the worst you can get is a “No”. And most of the time, you’ll find that fellow bloggers are more than happy to help and respond.

    Beyond the interwebs, I’ve found this to be true even in real life. When you look beyond yourself and reach out to others, you may be surprised by the results and how well things turn out.

  4. Spread the love.

    There are so many reasons to love blogging, but a huge and rewarding part of it is the community that you get to be a part of. I’ve been so blessed by the friendships I’ve formed in this community, and spreading the love by mentioning fellow bloggers that I enjoy and appreciate is just a tiny way to show my gratitude, and support the people in this community. Spreading the love is just one way of giving back to a community that has blessed me a ton.

    And even if life gets ugly and hard, turn around with kindness and keep spreading the love. Because I like to remind myself that “everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”.

Now it’s your turn – what has blogging taught you? Share them in the comments!

P.S. The birthday giveaway from Pretty Organised and Big City Quiet is still open – don’t forget to enter for a chance to win their amazing products! You don’t want to miss it!

2 thoughts on “4 life lessons from blogging

  1. So so true, what good lessons! Being only at the blog game for almost a year, I’m often times struggling with my blog. It’s always good to read how other bloggers are doing it. Congrats again on the blogversary!

  2. I love these lessons! #2 is so right-on. It’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap, when really there’s no need. You’re doing such great work! I love reading 🙂

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