Three years + a giveaway! (closed)

Celebrating 3 years of Amelia Writes!

I’m super excited today because this blog is three years old!!!

Kinda cray, right.

I guess that’s pretty old in this internet world where things are constantly evolving and nothing stays the same for long.

I get a little sentimental thinking about my blogging journey and how this blog has grown with me through the past three years.

This blog has seen me turn twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, and most recently, twenty-three. It has recorded the things I’ve made in scrapbook layouts (yes, I actually used to make those!), cards, and Project Life spreads. It has documented the lists I’ve made, the numerous recipes I’ve tried for 20, 21, and 22, and DIY projects that I’ve executed.

Blogging has brought me new friends, taught me to step out of my comfort zone, showed me the importance of working hard and doing what I love. Safe to say, my life wouldn’t be the same without this blog.

It has truly been a very good ride.

I’m so grateful for the people I’ve met on this journey, for the support of friends and family, for the goals I’ve set and accomplished, for the dreams I have and strive toward, and for the readers (that’s you!) who make this journey as meaningful as it has been for me.

And certainly, today wouldn’t be a party without presents!

So as part of the celebrations this week, my lovely friends Caylee and Rachel contributed, not one, not two, but three prizes for three winners in a giveaway especially for you guys.

Making new friends is one of the most rewarding things about blogging, and these ladies constantly inspire me with who they are and what they do – including the products they create for their Etsy shops! I know you will love using these products.

Blog giveaway on Amelia Writes. You won't want to miss this!


Click over and choose your favorites from their Etsy shops – you might have a hard time deciding. Just saying.

Here’s what you need to do to enter the giveaway:

Leave a comment telling me why you love blogging and/or reading blogs, and which prize you would like to win.

  • You can earn additional entries by pinning or tweeting about this giveaway. Be sure to tag me @helloameliaaa and use the hashtag #ameliawritesblog on both sites. If you pin or tweet, leave a separate comment for each additional entry you complete.
  • This giveaway is open to everyone!
  • Giveaway closes on Sunday, 16 November, 12 midnight SGT.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of my life here. You guys are truly the best xxx.

Congratulations to Vanessa, Alicia, and Random Olive! You are the winners of the Big City Quiet Project Life Cards, Pretty Organised 2015 wall calendar, and Pretty Organised planner add-on respectively. I’ll be sending you an email so check your inbox! Thank you to everyone for participating (:

10 thoughts on “Three years + a giveaway! (closed)

  1. I love reading blogs to gain inspiration. I started using the project life system a few years ago to document a 6 month stint abroad, and LOVED it!!! My passion has always been the arts, and my career follows that, but it is so awesome to see a whole community of people centered around their love for documenting stories, creating beautiful products, and using art as an outlet.

    Prizes…..oh man – they are ALL so gorgeous!!! I love the PL cards from Big City Quiet, but I also love Caylee’s work with her Wall Calender! I’d be thrilled with either! Congrats on 3 years!

  2. I don’t blog myself, but I love reading blogs. I started because of the inspiration I got out of them for my Project Life spreads, but when you read a blog for a certain time you’re interested in the person behind it as well. So nowadays I read blogs to get to know other people’s stories. I’m usually amazed by what people experience and how they deal with it, what they create and how they do it, etc. (Now that I read it again it sounds a bit like stalking haha oh well.).

    As for the prizes, I would love to win the wall calendar! Can’t imagine a more beautiful way to start 2015 🙂

  3. Congrats on such an accomplishment! I read blogs (mostly craft ones) because I love to learn about people’s creative process! I’d love to win some Big City Quiet cards (I already own every version of the Pretty Documented planner!!). Here’s to many more years of blogging!

  4. Happy blog birthday!!

    I love reading blogs to find out tips and tricks I can use in my everyday life. Either organization tips, book recommendations, or other neat things.

    I like blogging to share all those same things!

    I’m totally loving Big City Quiet’s designs, especially the new holiday sets. 🙂 And Caylee’s planners are super awesome. I’m eyeing the Project and Habit add-ons.

  5. I am all about looking at pretty things and getting inspired…that’s why I read blogs! I also am a “Chatty Cathy” (on the internet not in real life) so I enjoy leaving comments and sharing a few pieces of myself as well!
    I love those PL cards and would love to add them to my scrappy collection!
    Thank you!
    AND CONGRATS!!!! :0)

  6. Happy 3 years! I love blogging because I can post things that I love and I get to meet new and fun people like you!

    I love Big City Quiet’s Christmas Collection and Caylee Grey’s calender. 🙂

  7. I love reading blogs because there’s so much inspiration and it makes me think of all they things I can do or make. I think it’s awesome that people write about their life and things they make because it helps to bring people together.
    I’d love the project life sets!
    Happy 3yr!

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