22 recipes | rosemary balsamic potatoes

During one of the weeks of my blog break, I really got on a roll with trying out new recipes. So I’ll be sharing them with you all over the next couple of weeks!

Rosemary Balsamic Roasted Potatoes by Let’s Dish Recipes

First up are these roasted balsamic potatoes.

I generally quite like balsamic vinegar, so this was a nice twist to regular roasted potatoes. I served this dish as a side for one of the dinner meals, and it was pretty good. Although I am may have been slightly enthusiastic with the balsamic vinegar so it was a little too tart for my liking. And my potatoes ended up needing much longer than 5-10 minutes in the oven unlike what the recipe stated, so I had to make adjustments to the cooking time.

But these came together quickly altogether, and were so easy to do!

3 down, 19 to go.

The 22 recipes are part of my 22 list, a list of 22 things I’m working to accomplish while I’m twenty-two. Check out my other 22 recipes here.