Note to self:

This past week, I found myself having to remind myself of this:

note to self {relax}

That, and the fact that I needed to stop stressing + worrying. 

Strangely enough, I was unnecessarily stressing out over my to-do list, despite summer vacation and the lack of school work. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s funny how I so often hold myself so tightly to goals and deadlines that I forget that it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned, and I don’t accomplish as much as I’d hoped to.

The biggest thing I learned coming out of last week was the fact that I need to be flexible with my to-do list and just roll with whatever happens. This lesson is one of those that I’m constantly learning over and being reminded of often.

As always, I still have plenty of to-dos floating around in my head. But this week, I’m choosing not to let them get the better of me. I’ll take what I have and make them work, and be flexible with the rest.

I hope your weekend has been amazing.
And here’s to a relaxing and productive week ahead! (:
