School’s out!


The final assignments are in, the books are shelved for the year, and summer break is here! I’ve been eagerly anticipating this break for a few weeks now so I’m quite glad that it’s finally here.

The last few days since school’s been out have been busy with making lists of things I want to do over this break. Although, the list is rather long because there’s quite a bit that I’ve put off doing during the school year to focus on school work. So right now, it kind of feels a little like so much to do and so little time. But I hope that some of this planning pays off and I’ll be able to make summer vacation both relaxing and productive.

Also on this summer’s to-do list is to spend more time on this space so stick around! I promise I’ll make good on all the fun things I’ve been wanting to share.

I hope your week’s been amazing so far!

What are you planning to do this summer?