Friday Favorites no. 067 | links from the week


This week’s edition of favorites comes to you a little later than usual, but here they are nevertheless.

I’m staying busy with lots of fun things happening this weekend! I hope you enjoy it celebrating Mom this Mother’s Day.

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorites is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites no. 067 | links from the week

  1. Oh man! These articles were fascinating today! The one on Singapore college issues is so intriguing. I know America would be much better off if they offered an ‘earn and learn’ system, but wow thats very definitive so say thats what everyone should do. And oh man, the stuff about Korea is so dead on, my students are CRAZY about getting into a top college. Its such a hard balance to find. And that one about your brain totally freaked me out! Now Im terrified my brain is just going to dry up and Ill be stuck like this forever! Haha 🙂 Now I have got to get serious about learning Korean, but now I know why I quit so fast because IT IS SO HARD! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Oh I really love the kitchen and the colours added! Just small things can make such a BIG difference.

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