How to thrive and survive when life gets busy

Too busy? Here are 10 survival tips

Here’s what I’ve been feeling like lately all the time – busy.

And truthfully, I’ve also been feeling rather overwhelmed. It feels like things have been a little out of control around here with endless lists, deadlines and readings. And I feel like all I’m doing is just trying to catch up, keep up, and not fall behind.

So I’ve been thinking of how to step back and regroup so I can really embrace each moment of the day instead of constantly feeling stressed out and feeling like I’m just trying to keep up with everything.

10 tips for thriving and surviving when life gets busy

1. Spend less time online.

Whether reading blogs, or scrolling through Instagram or Twitter, I sometimes spend way more time online than I realize, or even dare to admit. Cutting out this time helps me to have more time to tackle what I need to complete.

2. Say ‘No’ to some things.

The truth is that I can’t do everything. And I won’t. So I’m saying no to some things in order to say yes to others. The hard part is just deciding what to say yes to.

3. Delegate.

This doesn’t mean avoiding responsibility. It just means being willing to let go of being in control of every single aspect of things.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Totally goes hand-in-hand with point 3. Asking for help also means being willing to partner with others and work alongside them.

5. Prioritize.

Like point 2, choosing what is important helps to eliminate the distractions and less important tasks.

6. Use pockets of time to get things done.

Whether it’s waiting for the train or the bus, use those in-between moments to get things done if possible. Because every little bit counts!

7. Make a list.

I love lists because they give me a visual picture of what needs to be done, instead of feeling like I have one million things floating around in my brain. Lists help things to be less overwhelming, because I now have a concrete action plan of what I need to do.

8. Slow down.

Instead of rushing around like crazy trying to get things done, sometimes I like to slow down and take time to relax, breathe, take a break, and do something I enjoy amidst the busyness. This gives me a moment to regroup and think things through logically. It also gives me a chance to be refreshed before tackling everything that needs to be done.

9. Stop worrying.

Worrying doesn’t help because it doesn’t change anything. So I try to remember to stop worrying and get to work instead.

10. Stay focused.

Sometimes, being distracted by social media or less important things contributes to the sense of being overwhelmed because it disrupts my workflow, making my time less productive and efficient. So shut off distractions and stay focused.

More than anything else, this is a list of reminders for myself because life is a work in progress. I’m constantly looking for ways to apply these tips to my life, especially during overwhelming seasons like now.

What tips do you have for not just surviving, but thriving when life gets busy or overwhelming? Let me know in the comments!

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