All the Memories | Making time for memory keeping

Short on time for memory keeping? Here are five ways to make time for it.

I love creating and memory keeping. But I’m at the phase in life where I constantly feel like there’s so much to do but so little time.

With how busy I am nowadays, I feel like memory keeping and creating always end up neglected at the bottom of my to do list, and it gets lost amidst another more pressing deadlines. So I can totally relate when friends lament how they don’t have enough time to rest, let alone do any sort of memory keeping.

But then I find myself feeling restless and itching to create when I haven’t made anything for awhile.

So unless I choose to make time, I won’t get round to creating for awhile.

In an effort to be more intentional with memory keeping and creating this year, I came up with a list of ways to fix my lack of creating and to make time for creativity and doing the things I love.

5 ways to make time for memory keeping/creating:

1. Set aside a period of time for creating every day.

This might be the hardest one for me, since time (actually the lack thereof) is the biggest obstacle for my creating and memory keeping. But I’m starting with at least 10 minutes a day. Then as time permits, I’ll spend more time creating.

2. Make your supplies easily accessible.

I tend to have an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality when it comes to supplies. But having my supplies easily accessible and readily available reminds me to use them whenever I see them.

3. Have a place for creating.

Sometimes, having to take things out and put things back can be a hassle and kind of puts me off from creating because of all the trouble that it takes. I currently don’t have much room in my house for a specific creating spot, but I’m exploring my options. For now, I will likely get a tray to keep all the supplies for the projects I am currently working on.

4. Look for someone to keep you accountable.

Last year, #letscatchuponprojectlife helped me to get out of a rut and back into memory keeping. Ask one or two of your best creative friends to keep you accountable in this area. Big things happen when you make yourself accountable.

5. Just do it.

It’s always easier to make excuses or procrastinate. But whatever it is, just make time for scrapbooking/creating/memory keeping. After all, if there’s a will, there’s a way!

Expanding creative energy helps me to create more. So I’m planning to try out these ways and be more intentional in memory keeping and creating this year.

How do you make time to create and document memories when your schedule is super busy? I’d love to hear how you do it!

Missed the other posts in this series? You can catch up on them here:

All the Memories is a blog series talking about all things memory keeping – from memory keeping ideas to answering your questions. This is the year to get those memories documented!

6 thoughts on “All the Memories | Making time for memory keeping

  1. Great points! I have an extra one. I keep my calendar updated, and ephemera pieces. Even if I don’t use either, they’re both great at letting me know when I was somewhere, which makes the time spent on these projects far less.

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