All the Memories | 15 memories to document in 2015

Look out for 15 of these moments in 2015 and document them!

Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and busyness of life and forget about the little moments that make up the big moments.

Since this year is all about intentional memory keeping and not letting the moments slip by, I put together a list of 15 (big and small) memories to get you started on your memory keeping.

Look out for these moments and document them in any way you choose!

15 memories to document in 2015:

1. A new experience

2. A new restaurant that you visited

3. The first concert of 2015 that you attended

4. One new food that you tried

5. A new favorite recipe

6. One new country/city/town that you visited

7. One new friendship that you formed

8. Your most-used mode of transportation in 2015

9. Your favorite song (the one that is always on replay)

10. Your favorite drink

11. A funny story/epic memory

12. A new routine

13. One new book that you read and enjoyed

14. One thing you regret doing/not doing

15. One goal you set and achieved for yourself

What other memories do you plan to document this year? Let me know in the comments!

Missed the other posts in this series? You can catch up on them here:

All the Memories is a blog series talking about all things memory keeping – from memory keeping ideas to answering your questions. This is the year to get those memories documented!