All the Memories | 5 ways to start memory keeping

Need ideas for how to start memory keeping? Here are five ways.

Last week, I shared my reasons for why you should be a memory keeper. With those reasons in mind, the next question you might ask is, How do I to get started? 

If you do a quick search for “scrapbooking” or “memory keeping” on Google or Pinterest, it’s easy to soon get lost in all the many possibilities and options available to memory keepers nowadays.

To help you sort through the options, I’ve put together a quick list of my go-to strategies for how you can get started in memory keeping.

So enough talk, it’s time to get started!

Are you ready?

5 ways to start on your 2015 memory keeping:

#1: Take photos.

A lot of my memories are often captured in photos, which become the basis for my memory keeping. If you’re not sure where or how to start, just taking photos of the big and small moments of every day is a good place to begin.

#2: Write down memories.

Even when you don’t have pictures, capturing memories in words is a great way of memory keeping. So just write stuff down.

#3: Choose one way to document those memories.

Since there are so options available, just decide on one memory keeping method and experiment with that. Will you go digital? Or use the ever-popular pocket page scrapbooking? Or are you inclined to mini albums and layouts? Start with one way and figure out if it works for you.

#4: Remember to keep things simple.

Like point #3, while the options are plenty, choose to keep things simple and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Start small and expand your options later, if you need/want to.

#5: Have fun!

The memory keeping process shouldn’t be stressful. So pick a method that you enjoy. Once one way starts becoming too stressful, stop and choose another memory keeping method instead.

With these five reasons, just pick one way first and start the memory keeping! Like many things, there is no “right” way of starting, just the way that works for you.

Let me know in the comments what other tips you have for memory keeping!

P.S. This post and this post also have some great tips on beginning memory keeping.

All the Memories is a blog series talking about all things memory keeping – from memory keeping ideas to answering your questions. This is the year to get those memories documented!