All the Memories | 5 reasons why you should be a memory keeper

Great reasons to start memory-keeping in this blog series

We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

That’s how 2015 started for me – making memories with my favorite people without even realizing it.

And now that we’re back to the routine of life, I look back fondly on those memories and feel immensely grateful for all the memories we made, and how those memories will soon be documented in my albums for us to look back on.

And that’s what makes me love being a memory keeper: Recording the moments and stories that would otherwise be lost and forgotten.

I anticipate making many more memories in 2015, and I don’t want them to just disappear with time.

That’s why I’m choosing to be intentional about memory keeping in 2015. And so should you.

5 reasons why you should be a memory keeper:

#1: Memory keeping helps us to remember what we would otherwise forget. 

We all have a tendency to forget, which is the very reason why we should document. Since we’re only a couple of weeks into the New Year, now is the perfect time to start documenting 2015 before the year slips by. With memory keeping, you don’t have to look back at 2015 and wonder where the year went because you will have it all documented.

#2: Memory keeping teaches us to embrace life.

Because life is full of ups and downs, good and bad things, memory keeping has taught me to embrace even the not-so-good moments of life and give them a place in my albums, if needed.

#3: Memory keeping gives life new perspective.

Instead of seeing the every day as routine and boring, memory keeping lets me look at the every day with new eyes and gives me a greater appreciation of today. This is especially true since life changes and I anticipate my every day routine being different even just a couple of years from now. With memory keeping, I learn to be thankful for all that happens and what gets documented.

#4: Memory keeping lets me tell my story.

I love hearing a good story and I love that memory keeping lets me tell mine.

#5: Memory keeping lets me express myself.

Whether through photos or writing, memory keeping lets me express myself creatively, which is one of the many reasons why I choose to be a memory keeper.

And there you have it! Five reasons why you should be a memory keeper.

Now is the perfect time to be thinking about how you will document this year’s memories. If you’re still on the fence about memory keeping this year, don’t hesitate and jump in now!

After all, there is truth in what Karen Lamb said:

“A year from now, you will wish you had started today.”

Don’t wait for one year from now. Start today.

P.S. I also liked this post on memory-keeping.

All the Memories is a blog series talking about all things memory keeping – from memory keeping ideas to answering your questions. This is the year to get those memories documented!

11 thoughts on “All the Memories | 5 reasons why you should be a memory keeper

  1. There is one thing that I feel so strongly about when it comes to memory keeping. Memory keeping makes me LOOK for adventures. Instead of just sitting at home doing nothing, I want to get outside, do crazy/interesting things just so that I have something that works better in a Project Life spread. Memory keeping makes me live harder.

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