How I get inspired (and out of a creative rut)

How I get inspired

Inspiration is everywhere so don’t get trapped in reading and watching too much. Get out. Talk to people, friends, family, loved ones. Draw inspiration from everyday life. It has inexhaustible references and is always original.

– Arnold Arre

After not creating for several weeks, I found myself in a creative rut. The kind of rut where you know there’s plenty to create, but somehow, you’re not quite feeling it, whatever it is.

But because creativity is part of who I am, I wanted to get out of the rut and back to creating again. And soon.

So I set out in search of inspiration. Because once I find inspiration, I usually climb out of the rut soon after and quickly get back to creating.

Here’s what I like to do when I hit a creative roadblock and need to be inspired:

  • Try something completely different. Instead of forcing myself to work on whatever I was doing, I like to change things up and do something else. This allows me to step back and give my mind some distance from the project. Often, when I return to the project later, I have fresh eyes to view whatever I was doing.
  • Take a break. This goes right along with the previous point. Go outside. Go to new places. Go for a run. Watch a movie. Spend time with people. Clear your mind and stop thinking about what you were doing. Sometimes, I find inspiration in unexpected places, whether I people-watch or go window-shopping. Inspiration can come when you least expect it.
  • Set limits. Sometimes, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, like too many supplies or too many ideas. Whether it’s a time limit, or limited supplies, something about having a limit makes things just a little bit more challenging. And working within those limits can really help creativity to grow.
  • Experiment. Learn something new. Listen to a podcast. Pick up a new hobby or a new habit. Try a new routine. Changing things up can be surprisingly inspiring.
  • Be inspired in places outside your usual sources. Social media like Pinterest and Instagram can be great sources of inspiration. In fact, I often go to those sources whenever I need to be inspired by new ideas for my crafty and creative projects. But sometimes, reading books or magazines on photography, food, fashion or design (you name it!) can be a great way to be inspired by other people outside your “comfort zone”.
  • Just start. I know this sounds contradictory to point #1. But sometimes feelings are just feelings (especially when I’m feeling lazy) and I have to push through them to get stuff done. When I choose to just start, I set aside all those feelings. Often times, the inspiration and motivation just flows right back in, and I rediscover my love and passion for what I do.

Sometimes, doing just one of these is enough to get me inspired. Other times, it takes a few days and doing a combination of the above items. Either way, I love when inspiration just starts flowing back in!

Tell me, what do you do when you need inspiration or get stuck in a creative rut? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Coincidentally, Caylee recently wrote a similar post on How I motivate myself to create. I loved reading her perspective so be sure to check it out! Also, I enjoyed this ALT post on looking for inspiration.

4 thoughts on “How I get inspired (and out of a creative rut)

  1. I really like those ideas about getting back into creating. I’m sure there will be a time again, I can use them.

  2. I love hearing about how different people get inspired to create. I’m right there with you on all of your points, essssssp the Pinterest/IG one. Too often I get stuck in IG and have to force myself out of it. The results are usually pretty glorious.

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