Friday Favorites no. 014 // birthday wishlist

FF birthday wishlist v2

01 / Canon Selphy photo printer
02 / Cell phone lenses
03 / Camera (I haven’t settled on exactly which one I want yet though!)
04 / Letterpress class + bundle + plates
05 / Gypsy bracelet stack (or the everything stack or gold nugget stack)
06 / Curling iron (not pictured)

As you can tell by the title, this week’s Friday Favorites post is really just a list of random favorites I’ve had my eye on for awhile now. One of those nice to have, just for fun lists that you make ever so often (:

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to my weekend.
I hope you have a fabulous one!

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorite is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.