Friday Favorite no. 013 // spotted on instagram

In all honesty, I really do try not to spend excessive amounts of time on social media. In fact, I try to be really intentional about who I follow and what I spend my time on.

But once in awhile, I get distracted and find some really inspiring Instagram accounts that keep me scrolling. So this week, I’d thought I’d spread the love + share the inspiration!
FF instagram v2

01 / Corinne Tan writes love letters to strangers and completely inspires me to write some myself!
02 / Sue Lyn is on a cookie project that is both encouraging and uplifiting.
03 / Amanda Rydell does amazing packaging + some fun DIYs.
04 / Rachelle captures life beautifully and just has such an inspiring-looking feed.

I hope this kick-starts an inspiring weekend!

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorite is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.