Adelia Makes no. 012 // nutella and sea salt stuffed sugar cookies

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Nutella and Sea Salt Stuffed Sugar Cookies by Cookin’ Canuck



My love for Nutella really isn’t a secret. So these sugar cookies were just right up my alley. And they were SO GOOD.

Imagine all the goodness of a sugar cookie combined with the goodness that is Nutella, with a hint of saltiness, oozing from the center when you bite into it. Oh so yummy. Just talking about it makes me crave some Nutella cookies right now.

With the humidity that is typical of Singapore, it helped to leave the Nutella balls in the freezer the whole time and take out a couple of pieces as you go along. Otherwise, they start melting and it gets a little too messy. Also, a cookie scoop, or a mini ice-cream scoop really helps with assembling the cookies – put a little dough at the bottom of the scoop, sprinkle some salt, place the Nutella ball, and scoop up more dough to fill up the scoop. This makes it very easy to release the cookie dough into the sugar to coat.

Once baked, these cookies turned out to be quite big. But hey, the bigger the cookie, the better right? (:

Adelia Makes is a blog series featuring my very own little sister and all the fun things she makes. Read more about Adelia Makes here.