Adelia Makes no. 10 // creamy lemon squares

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Creamy Lemon Squares by Martha Stewart


These were certainly tart and lemon-y but OH SO YUMMY. Definitely a refreshing break for this chocolate-loving family. The Baker (aka Adelia) says these were simple to make so I think these are going on my list of “Recipes to try someday”, which indubitably seems like it’s getting longer each week. But that probably isn’t a bad thing.

Anyhow, if you aren’t big on too much lemon, just taste the filling while adding to the lemon so the sourness is just right and to your liking!

Hmm, just thinking about these makes me hungry for some lemon squares now. Happy Tuesday!

Adelia Makes is a blog series featuring my very own little sister and all the fun things she makes. Read more about Adelia Makes here.

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