Adelia Makes no. 002 // peanut butter fudge treats

I think I got a little behind putting these posts up; but today, I’m back with another installment of the Adelia Makes series!

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Peanut Butter Fudge Treats


Armed with this recipe from Joy the Baker, Adelia made these for us. With a layer of rice krispies, a layer of caramel fudge, and another layer of chocolate, it was a treat for sure! The three made the perfect combination of textures and taste.

For her, this recipe was pretty easy, with just a few different portions to complete. While a little dense, it was not bad at all and everyone enjoyed it altogether.

Gotta love when you get to have rice krispies, caramel fudge and chocolate all in one bite!

Adelia Makes is a blog series featuring my very own little sister and all the fun things she makes. Read more about Adelia Makes here.