There and back

Source: via Amelia on Pinterest

Last week was full of good food, lots of walking + shopping, large doses of family bonding time, and overall enjoying life and all its little moments. Which explains the quiet around here.

I had every good intention to schedule posts before I left. But as it usually goes, my good intentions came to naught as the last-minute packing + pre-trip preparations took over.

But now that I’m home from family vacation, I’m working on catching up with overdue school assignments (!!!) and settling back into reality + routine after a whole week of fun and relaxing. While I (kinda) wish I were still on vacation and miss all the good times from last week, nothing beats coming home. So I’m reveling in the memories and embracing being right here, right now.

And once all the hubbub of school and stress is over, I hope to be back soon enough with some fun blog posts I’ve been wanting to share. Stay tuned!