21 recipes // salted fudge brownies

Slowly, but surely, I’m catching up on all these overdue posts.

I made these salted fudge brownies at the end of February. I am no bake-expert, but I am quite convinced that the secret to a good fudgy moist brownie is melting the chocolate and mixing it in the batter. Seriously good.

I may have been a little too stingy with the sea salt, but these remind me of another fudgy brownie recipe that I constantly go back to.


Forgive me that mine don’t quite look like the original post but we were in a hurry to start eating so this will have to suffice. And we had ours with roasted almond ice-cream – a really yummy way to end dinner.

You can follow the link and drool over these delicious brownies (:

11 down, 10 to go.