21 recipes / first six.

I’m so behind on blogging all the fun stuff I’ve been doing lately. But hopefully, I’ll get to it soon enough.

First up, here’s SIX new recipes for the 21 list. Last year, I tried 20 new recipes and loved it. So this year, I made 21 recipes a part of the 21 list again.

A couple months back, I made these sloppy joes – so easy and a total hit.

sloppy joes

These sandwiches make a pretty good lunch, for sure.

honey lime chicken sandwiches

Nutella, for the win. Always.

nutella cupcakes
Nothing like these muffins to get you into fall mood – yummmyyyy.

apple cinnamon muffins

The creaminess of chocolate and peanut butter with a sprinkling of sea salt are pretty much the perfect combination in this cookie.

pb sea salt cookies

I was so worried that this cheesecake would just be a flop. But it turned out to be amazing in the end – so good.

caramel apple cheesecake

6 down, 15 to go.

P.S. Forgive the weird white borders around the photos; not sure what happened there!