the 21 list

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So here it is, the *official* twenty-one list!

1. Document my life at 21. (Project Life, here I come!)

2. Make 21 DIY projects.

3. Get onto the dean’s list at school.

4. Try 21 new recipes.


6. Visit a museum.

7. Buy one outfit online.

8. Read at least one book a month.

9. Participate in at least 2 runs.

10. Go on a picnic.

11. Spend a day at the park.

12. Cook more Chinese food.

13. Write at least 5 thank you cards.

14. Eat fruit at least once a day for a whole month.

15. Keep a running log of distances I run each month.

16. Wear only glasses every day for a whole week.

17. Take pictures with and develop photos from a disposable camera.

18. Learn 300 new vocabulary words.

19. Not spend money for a month.

20. Have a baking date/tea party.

21. Happy surprise someone.

Some of these are from the twenty list – they were so good I had to do them again.

Others, well, truth be told, doing some of those things on the list scare me, like not knowing if I’ll actually get them done. But I guess life is all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, yes?

After all, twenty-one is bound to be pretty memorable with all these things to keep me busy (:

Twenty-one, you’re going to be good.

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