the 20 list / recap

Source: via Amelia on Pinterest

Time is ticking for the twenty list to be complete. And while I didn’t post about everything I completed, some of them are most certainly done. Others are pending. Still others, well, I didn’t quite get to them.

But it is what it is. And I’m okay with that (:

The TWENTY list:

1. Get my driver’s license.
2. Learn how to sew.
3. Ace the SATs.
4. Apply for college.
5. Take ABRSM Grade 8 cello exam.
6. Start “note to self” mini-album.
7. Start cooking Chinese food.
8. Try 20 new food recipes.
9. Participate in a race.
10. Decorate/paint my room.
11. Write a resume.
12. Save money.
13. Get a job.
14. Read at least one book a month.
15. Exercise regularly. (I’ve kinda sorta done this one so I’m going to cross it off haha.)
16. Start a business/write a business plan.
17. Take a photography class.
18. Organize recipes + make a recipe folder
19. Take higher Chinese exam.
20.Brush up on Spanish.

(click on the links to read those I posted about!)


I quite enjoyed working on this list – it definitely made twenty a whole lot more interesting/memorable (:

Keep a look out for that twenty-one list!