
Source: via Amelia on Pinterest

I feel like I need 29 hours in a day. Like I have too much stuff to do. Like I need more time to do more things.

And so, as priorities go, I’m going to have to re-order where this blog is on the list (read: fewer blog posts than there already are).

Even scrapbooking and making stuff has had to move down on the list 🙁
But that’s just the way things are, just the way life goes.

The next few months are going to be busybusybusy.

Here’s to greater productivity and accomplishment!

2 thoughts on “Prioritize.

  1. Good decision! And I wish you lots of strength in executing it, because I think that it can be hard to do.
    I always struggle with a good balance in things – I tend to go head over heels into new things or things I’m really enthousiastic about, untill I realize other things still need attention too. Blogging and papercrafting is a hobby – although a hobby is important, I think it should be less important then visiting family, going outdoor with my son, keeping the house clean and tidy and getting the house done (still renovationg) and ofcourse get things ready for the baby (pregnant now). Oh and getting enough rest (you know, going to bed on time).I think everyone would agree that those things are more important then crafting, however, crafting is way more fun then folding the laundry, and more fun and less dusty then sanding the old paint of the woodwork.
    I need more hours in a day too, but then, when there would be more hours, I would need even more hours!
    I hope you can find a balance that works for you, and makes you happy.
    Good luck! 🙂

    1. Thanks for your encouragement – I’m glad you can relate! (:
      All the best for your pregnancy, and here’s to keeping things in balance and getting what we need/want to do done!

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