Thoughts on Project Life

Warning: This post is going to be wordy!

So far, so good.

All this is still really new to me and I’m still trying to find my groove, trying to figure out what works for me (and doesn’t), what I should include or leave out.

Honestly, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed, especially when I think about all the weeks I have to catch up on, all the photos that need to be  sorted and printed, all the details that need to be recorded. My head is really just a mess of things that need to get done sometimes.

But I constantly remind myself that:

  1. At least the stories are being recorded.
    Sometimes, I forget and leave out photos that I’d meant to include, only to realize I don’t have any more room. Sometimes, it works for me to rearrange things; sometimes, it doesn’t. Whatever the case, I try to take what I have and roll with it and not worry about trying to get every single thing in because I am already accomplishing my goal by doing Project Life because I’m printing photos and documenting life.
  2. It’s okay to be imperfect.
    Things won’t always be perfect; some days, I’ll make mistakes in my documenting. And that’s okay.
  3. I do what works for me.
    As much as I love the details/layers/embellishments that some of these very creative ladies put into their pages, I know that it isn’t always possible for me. But I try to work with whatever resources I have. (Still, I wouldn’t mind a silhouette cameo!) Because I order my prints online, I don’t really have the option of printing a combination of photo sizes (especially the larger ones). So while things aren’t as flexible as I like them to be, it’s okay.

I’m enjoying this so far, especially when I resist the temptation to get stressed/overwhelmed. I’m excited about how much fun it will be to look back on this album at the end of the year. And I’m really anticipating these new inserts coming soon!

Also, having a pinterest board of inspiration and ideas to include in my Project Life is so good especially on weeks when I get stuck in a rut.

So there you have it!

Thank you for reading my rambling thoughts, if you made it all the way down to the end of this post. I don’t blame you otherwise if you didn’t though (:

And a good reminder before I run off:

Source: via Amelia on Pinterest

I hope your week is fabulous!