20 recipes / Monkey Squares

Why, hello again!

I hope you had a super duper weekend. It seems as if the weekend flew by because it was so busy. Makes me wish for  longer weekends! Haha.


I made these on Friday before the weekend. And they were so good!
But I was in a hurry, so these photos don’t do justice.

The cake was moist and the browned butter icing was delicious! Plus, the taste seems to get better with each passing day.

You can find the recipe here. I used a different sized pan and added more walnuts. But those are the only tweaks I made to the recipe. Although, I reckon I would probably cute down on the icing next time (unless you like yours really sweet) because the quantity yielded from the recipe would probably have been enough to cover two cakes.

In my opinion, I think they taste best chilled. But honestly, they’re good any way.

7 down, 13 more to go!