Catching up.


I was away from Wednesday to Saturday last week with the Teh’s helping with Character First! Education training in Kluang. We went early to make preparations. And also got to enjoy lots of Kluang hospitality, eat good food, and go shopping (: ‘Twas fun getting to teach again and meet new people. And I’m thankful for how well everything went.

Just a couple of photos from the trip:


We had a group of really enthusiastic learners!


Presenting the group’s songleading techniques.


Organic steamboat – with your own, personal pot of soup (:


Yummy teh chendol. SWEET.



Loved the pretty puffy clouds on the way back.

I arrived home on Saturday night, right in time to enjoy all the weekend fun and hang out with my much-missed sibs and friends.

I missed last week’s Sketch Wednesday at the Green Frog Studio because I was away though ): But I hope to be able to come up with something over the next two days. We’ll see.

As always, it’s good to be home (:

What Valentine’s Day plans do you have tomorrow?