Friday Favorites no. 070 | links from the week


I can’t believe June is almost half over, but weekends are always welcome.

This weekend, I’m looking forward to catching up with friends, hanging out with my family and working on some side projects if I can.

Hope you guys have a good one xx.

Life is often full and busy. But I like to take time to enjoy some of my favorite things. So Friday Favorites is a weekly series where I share my favorite(s) for the week. Check out my other Friday Favorites here.

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites no. 070 | links from the week

  1. Loved the article on traveling! I tend to be extremely stressed out before when my trips don’t go according to plan but for my trips this and next year, I’m planning a loose itinerary to keep myself open to discoveries and opportunities — something that was always absent with my on-the-dot itineraries. I’m reigning in the Type A personality a bit, hahaha!

    Always cheering you on,

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